Saturday, January 12, 2013

Hebrews 12 1-2

Hebrews 12 1-22Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before HIM endured the cross, despising the shame, and has set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

In living our life and making it matter one must decide who they want it to matter to and for...I propose that we attempt to live a life that matters for Christ, in order to follow HIS command... to bring more souls along with us to heaven.   In order to live that life, we must of course know HIM as our personal Lord and Savior.  A by-product of our salvation is a desire to know and understand HIM.  This is accomplished by reading and studying HIS word.  The Bible is the way HE communicates to us.  So break open your Bibles with me and read.  In reading and praying daily you are drawing closer to HIM and as you get to know HIM and HIS ways you will begin to hear HIS voice and learn HIS calling for your life.  How you hear HIS voice is unique to you and your own listening skills.  Listen to that still small voice inside of you.  HE tells us to BE still and know...You will eventually learn what HE is leading you to do and be.   That is what is commonly referred to as your Race.  THEN BEGIN....RUNNING YOUR RACE.
Read Hebrews 12 verses 1 and 2 and you will see what I mean.

Lord, I need you

Jesus has a certain P.A.T.H. that HE will lay before us. Our attitude determines our perception of all things and if you have watched Dr. Phil even once then you know that your perception is your reality! Your reality is where you are and what you are doing!  So we get put on our armor of faith (the evidence of things unseen) and follow that P.A.T.H.  Whatever path anyone follows in life determines their destination (not rocket science).  I ascertain  that our path needs to be stocked full of the proper, proportionate and positive amounts of:
Passion: what are you passionate about?  How does or can that passion honor HIM?  
Attitude: how does you attitude honor HIM?  What does your attitude say about your faith?  Where is your attitude leading you?
Team work:  How well and how often do you work with others toward the common goal of HIS believers and followers?
Honor:  there's that word again....How and how often do we honor HIM?

Sounds easy enough doesn't it?  Well, I know plenty Christians that have had a passion for Christ and were lead astray by the trappings and trimmings of this world.  I happen to be one of them.  Instead of leaning on HIS word and HIS understanding I followed mine.  What I found, who I encountered and what was done on the path I chose to follow was filled with fear, ignorance, worry, stress, weakness  (both physically and emotionally), loneliness that resulted in not one but a series of wrong decisions and choices that would prove to be costly.  These eventually made my future look very bleak and empty.  Now don't get me wrong there were bright spots (3 lovely children and some outstanding people) and fun times.  All short lived, as the days and years pressed on I traveled further away from HIM and HIS calling for my life. But by the grace of God and HIS patience with me I was found and put back on that strait path. He has a plan for me and wants to reveal that plan to me or better yet, US!  Keep reading HIS word, Singing HIS praises, and lifting up your requests to HIM.

As we travel the path of our lives (our race) the very one HE was already determined for us, yet not revealed...put one foot in front of the other and stay focused keep your eyes on the finish line, which is HIM.

Here are some things that have distracted me and altered my view or focus accompanied by scripture to squelch those distractions and fears:  Do you need strength? Isaiah 40:31  Are you afraid?  2 Timothy 1:7  Do you need wisdom?  James 1:5  Are you worried about something or someone?  1 Peter 5:7  Are you feeling lonely or alone?  Matthew 28:20  are you consumed or feeling overwhelmed by the day to day pressures and stresses?  John 16:33

Well, what are you still sitting here for?  RUN man!!   RUN!!  When you get back let me hear from you.  What is your race?